Welcome to ESSENTIALdharma. My wife Keri and I are so glad you are here. I can’t wait to help you and your loved ones begin to take hold of your health and wellness.

For me, I came from a very dysfunctional upbringing and for many years believed my life was destined to be a failure. I didn’t want kids, was afraid to love, and was filled with anger. I quit drinking in 2003 and decided then to take control of my life. By the Grace of God I have been sober since then and I have faced many demons and learned many lessons. I adore my children and am overwhelmed with gratitude for the abundance of tiny giants I get to steward in this world. The work to get here has been hard, but man, it has been so worth it. Nothing worth having comes easy and whether it is preparing for a Spartan Race, navigating teenagers, or facing the inner thoughts that try to hold me back, I have learned that the faster you can find a way to lean in, the sooner you will come out on the other side a better person for it.

There is so much in this world that we cannot control, but we do control how we show up and what we do with our days. I hope to be a part of your path in bringing Health, Happiness, Hope and Freedom to your journey.

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In addition to hosting the podcast, SHIFT, I also self published Choose Different, my book on how the choices we make impact our realities. I’d love it if you checked them out. Growth and development are so important to me, and have helped me in so many ways that these vehicles are the ways in which I have been called to pay it forward.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
— Marcus Aurelius
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