Day Five | Lesson One: Frankincense

Aren't Oregano and Tea Tree just amazing? We think so. Let's keep building on this wellness routine! Today, we are going to share with you some tips about how to use Frankincense, the King of Oils.

After checking out that video we want you to do two things with your Frankincense: For starters add a drop to your face lotion and apply to your face and neck. And then you choose a second way you want to use it today!


Here are some additional ideas:

Diffuse it either alone or with wild orange for a boost to your mood. Rub 1-2 drops on the back of your neck and behind your ears to promote feelings of wellbeing.
Rub 1-2 drops on the bottom of your feet for immune support
Take one to two drops in a veggie capsule to support healthy cellular function
Mix 1-2 drops with your hand lotion to help promote supple skin during dry times of the year.

Comment below with what you chose to do; whether you used one of our ideas or one of your own!