Day Four | Lesson Three: Oregano
Oregano oil is the 'other' oil we are talking about today. It is an oil that is super potent! In this awesome video from Dr. David Steuer you can learn how Tea Tree (Melaleuca) and Oregano essential oils are natural alternatives to eliminating harmful bacteria from our bodies.
Perhaps you’ve heard of the “hot” oils sometimes referred to at doTERRA. These are the oils we label as “dilute” or sometimes as “sensitive.” But the term “hot” oil comes from the sensation they give if used topically. These so-named hot oils can give you a burning sensation when used on the skin, or a spicy burning sensation when taken internally. These oils include:
Keep in mind, this is not an exhaustive list of hot oils, especially if you are using oil blends or brands other than doTERRA. For any oils that have the potential to cause skin sensitivity, it is always wise to keep these out of reach of children, consult your physician if you are pregnant or under a doctor's care, and avoid contact with the eyes, inner ears, face, and sensitive areas.
doTERRA also categorizes other oils as “sensitive” but you may have also heard them referred to as “warm” oils. This includes oils like Black Pepper, Lemongrass, Wintergreen, Peppermint, and others. Oils like these can still be overwhelming for sensitive groups (i.e. children and elderly) if not diluted.
Diluting the hot category of oils is the recommendation for all people, regardless of their individual sensitivity level. In this way such oils can safely be used and added to your essential oil repertoire.