Day Seven | Lesson Two: Pay It Forward
Another way to maximize your Loyalty Rewards (LRP) is to pay it forward. You can do this in such an easy way by adding $1 to your order in support of the Healing Hands Foundation. What is so small for so many of us, means so much to so many others. And while $1 is just $1, if enough of us do it, it adds up to be a pretty life-changing impact for those in need. I’d also like to mention that the dōTERRA executives cover ALL of the administration costs of running the Healing Hands Foundation. What that means is 100% (ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!!!) of our donations go directly toward the projects that impact PEOPLE. That is rare when donating to a cause...most of the time only a portion of your donation goes to the people the cause is intended to serve, and the other part goes to the organization's overhead and administration costs. Not here. If you decide to accept this challenge, please let us know so that we can thank you personally.
In addition to the ability to donate to Healing Hands as a part of your monthly LRP, there are a few products you may want to be aware of. Rose Lotion and Hope Touch are two products that wholesale for $20 each. And the entire purchase price of these two products goes directly to the Healing Hands Foundation. Another area where dōTERRA is donating the cost of the manufacturing of these products so that you can have them and the people we serve get the benefit.