key Benefits
Get vital wellness information in 30 seconds
Understand your wellness needs by category
No external hardware required
Accurate and non-invasive
Access personalized wellness reports
Available on Android & Apple devices
next steps
Scan - Run a 30-second wellness scan anytime, anywhere with a remote scan invite.
Get personalized wellness reports - Discover the body’s top products and services, and see which systems & lifestyle areas need support.
Wellness Consultation - We walk you through products & services based on your personalized data.
The Personalized Wellness Scan is valued at $99. Upon Completion of your included Wellness Consultation you will have the option of completing your purchase or applying the $99 fee to the products recommended so you can start your wellness journey. No payment is required up front
How it works
1. Video capture
ZYTO Link utilizes a technology known as transdermal optical imaging (TOI) to gather key information about your health and wellness. TOI uses your smartphone camera to detect and analyze the blood-flow patterns in your face.
Learn more about TOI
*Link uses only the data gathered and does not save any images or video of you