New Beginnings

And here we are….2 full months into a global pandemic and we are re-launching and re-branding our business. We have always spent the majority of our time building and sharing doTERRA belly to belly. Keri has always been a relationship person and loved loving on people. In this time of social distancing and adjusting to new guidelines though, we must learn to pivot. So here we are.

To be honest, we are both totally excited to be moving our business online, and while we will always be ‘belly to belly’ builders, as more and more people have their phones in their hands, and are accustomed to going to the internet for their needs, we would be foolish to not work towards meeting people where they are at. And many of you are here.

So with all that said, please remember when thinking of essential oils and your doTERRA needs as a place to come for classes, builder information and our new blog Seeds of Hope.
